In September 2017 the 500th secuTrial® trainee completed their training at the Clinical Trials Center of the University Hospital Zurich. This was a very special milestone which we commemorated with a small gift.
The training modules offered by the CTC focus on creating eCRFs, data entry and validation, and data export. Each training session takes between 1.5 and 2 hours and an official training record is issued for the trial management file. Since 2010, a total of 390 training sessions have been organised with 1 to 5 participants.
Having worked with secuTrial® for many years, the CTC team at the University Hospital in Zurich have contributed to many of our innovations and further developments with their numerous ideas and suggestions. At our annual user meetings they have presented many interesting topics and are always very welcome as speakers.
We would like to express our special thanks to Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Smolinski and his team for their fantastic cooperation over the years and for kindly providing the photograph.
We wish all of the participants the best of success for their work with secuTrial®.