Use in patient registries
Patient registries are used by hospitals and physicians to record the data of patients with a certain clinical picture and the course of their disease. The aim is to provide insights into the demographic and medical characteristics of the disease as well as on the quality of the medical care provided.
The patient data is collected and analysed via a web-based study software and infrastructure such as secuTrial®. The resulting advantages include a high level of data quality and completeness of the collected data. Furthermore, the findings derived from the data can be quickly made available to the medical community.
In 1998, in cooperation with the Department of Neurology at Philipps-University Marburg (Director: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Oertel), iAS designed and implemented secuTrial® to serve as the technical infrastructure for the Competence Network on Parkinson’s Disease – the first medical research network to be approved for funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Competence Networks in Medicine funding programme.
secuTrial® is currently being used to collect, exchange and analyse patient data in over 70 German locations and in 16 EU member states and EU-associated states, including:
- Competence Network on Parkinson’s Disease, Marburg
- Brain-Net, Munich
- Competence Network on Dementias, Mannheim
- Competence Network for Congenital Heart Defects, Berlin
- CIOffice Research Network Göttingen
- Network-of-Excellence EuroPa / EMSA-SG, Marburg
- Network-of-Excellence BrainNet EU, Munich
Advantages of secuTrial® for patient registries
- Solution developed over many years, reliably proven in practice
- Secure and independent data collection via the internet (SSL)
- Entirely web-based (no software installation required)
- Study-specific generation of eCRFs (electronic case report forms)
- FDA-compliant data collection (AuditTrail, e-signature etc.)
- Pseudonymisation of personal data in compliance with data privacy regulations
- Scalable system of roles and rights, password protected access
- Comprehensive query management
- Central database
- Many years of experience in the conceptual design, setup and running of patient registries
- Customer-oriented product development and refinement
- Attractive price model for public research
- High investment security, future-proof solution