secuTrial® | News | 9th secuTrial® User Group Meeting 2016, Berlin

9th secuTrial® User Group Meeting 2016, Berlin

– Interfaces
– secuTrial® as a survey tool
– secuTrial® release 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2, 5.3

Lots of information and news, plenty of familiar faces and the chance to meet new user group members created a fantastic atmosphere, topped off with superb weather. Everyone agreed that this was one of the most enjoyable user group meetings to date at the Pfefferberg in Berlin. It was also one of the most successful, with over 50 participants travelling here to see presentations on current topics and to discuss secuTrial®.

9. secuTrial®–Anwendertreffen | Vortrag 9. secuTrial®–Anwendertreffen | Vortrag
9. secuTrial®–Anwendertreffen | Entwicklungschefin 9. secuTrial®–Anwendertreffen | Willkommen
9. secuTrial®–Anwendertreffen | Mittagspause 9. secuTrial®–Anwendertreffen | Team

As increasingly large data volumes are being transferred from external systems to secuTrial® and from secuTrial® to external systems, this year’s presentation series focused on the different interfaces of secuTrial®:

secuTrial® as a survey tool
Dirk Smolinski, Clinical, Center for Clinical Research, University Hospital Zurich
New import functions and exporting an eCRF to secuTrial®
Andre Genrich, GKM, Munich
Using the automatic report export and import
Gisela Antony, Competence Network on Parkinson’s disease, Universität Marburg
secuTrial® at the Clinical Trial Centre Leipzig
Andre Rothe, Clinical Trial Centre Leipzig

Due to numerous requests for one-to-one discussions, the user group meeting was once again held over the course of two days. Individual participation was confirmed with a certificate.

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