secuTrial® | News | 6th secuTrial® User Group Meeting 2013, Berlin

6th secuTrial® User Group Meeting 2013, Berlin

– Safety management requirements
– secuTrial® release 4.5

Over the years the user group meeting has grown into a small symposium. At our user group meetings expert presentations are given on a current topic and discussed. Our users from universities and the pharmaceutical sector have an opportunity to meet with each other and form a continually growing network.

Vorträge Kaffeepause Campus in Berlin Prenzlauer berg Kaffeepause

At this year’s secuTrial® user group meeting the following presentations were held:

Safety management requirements 1
Melanie Kirchner, Univ.-Klinikum Erlangen
Safety management requirements 2
Rita Ploger, KKS-Charitè Berlin
Anonymised data entry with retrospective NIS
Lenka Kellermann, OIS Freiburg

Afterwards, secuTrial® release 4.5 was presented and new requests were discussed. After reaching a general consensus, the future functions of secuTrial® were agreed.

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