secuTrial® | User Group Meeting | 5th secuTrial® User Group Meeting 2012, Berlin

5th secuTrial® User Group Meeting 2012, Berlin

– Quality management
– Randomization algorithms
– secuTrial® release 4.3

Once again we invited clients to Berlin and were delighted at the huge response from our users! Summer temperatures and a convivial atmosphere made our convention in Prenzlauer Berg all the more enjoyable. Our programme was interesting for all those who attended.

Nadine Tischendorf, Thomas Fritsche Vorträge Kaffepause Diskussion

At this year’s secuTrial® user group meeting the following presentations were held:

Randomization algorithms
Dirk Klingbiehl, SAKK Bern
Validation of secuTrial® – What do users need to consider?
Dr. Uwe Haag, HaaPACS GmbH, Schriesheim
Validated conversion of the MedDRA catalogue into a secuTrial® catalogue
Jan Clausen, proDERM GmbH, Hamburg

This was the first time that customer requests received over the course of the year were put together in a list and presented to everyone in advance. This simplified discussions and agreements regarding new functions.

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